Achtung Baby's!
Det har kommit till min kännedom idag, att U2 släpper en ny skiva någongång i juni detta år! Om det slutligen blir så återstår förstås att se, men det vore ju logiskt med tanke på att 360-turne'n drar igång igen i juni!
Här är ett utdrag ur en intervju som Bono gjorde i slutet av december för tidningen: Sunday Independent:
Sunday December 27 2009
IRISH rockers U2 have delivered a late Christmas present to their loyal fans this weekend by promising to release a new album by June.
Speaking exclusively to the Sunday Independent at Leopardstown Races yesterday, U2 frontman Bono revealed the band had been working hard on new material in the run-up to Christmas and are hoping to have a new chart-topping album on shelves before the summer.
Speaking about the upcoming release, Bono described how the band had been putting in the hard work in the studio in recent weeks: "We are working away and we have a couple of yearlings in the stables that could really turn out to be thoroughbreds in the future," he said.
"As a band you are always trying to work on new material and we had some unfinished material from the last album.
"I would love to elaborate a bit more but unfortunately it is a democracy -- and sure isn't that the world that we live in?"
One person who had no problem elaborating, however, was U2 manager Paul McGuinness.
The legendary music mogul described how the world's biggest rock group are confident of having the album released by June.
"I have heard some of the stuff the guys have played and, yeah, it is great. Bono is always an optimist but he seems confident of getting a new record out by the end of the next six months. They're talking about June. By that time we will be ready to go back on tour and I think that will give it a different flavour."
Mr McGuinness also described how sales of concert tickets "have been incredible" for the band -- despite the current recession.
"Most of the shows left are either sold out or close to being sold out, which is terrific. We're defying gravity at this stage -- it's incredible."
Här kommer ytterligare ett utdrag ur en intervju, som Edge gjorde för Entertainment Weekly 21/1
Entertainment Weekly, January 21, 2010
By: Nicholas White
U2's the Edge attended last weekend's Golden Globes ceremony, where the band was up for a Best Original Song award for "Winter," their contribution to Afghanistan war drama Brothers. (The trophy ended up going to Crazy Heart's "The Weary Kind.") We caught up with the guitarist on the red carpet to get the scoop on U2's planned follow-up to last year's No Line on the Horizon.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How's the new U2 music going?
THE EDGE: We are working on a lot of new songs. Some of them are really, really happy. We're convinced that we have something really special. It's like deciding whether we are going to release the album before the tour starts or leave it for a while, we don't really know yet. Literally, within a day of getting off the road, Bono and I were working on new songs. On a roll.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Are you incorporating any electronic influences?
THE EDGE: We try and keep things moving forward. We are experimenting with a lot of different arrangements, and electronic is one of the things we are playing with. But there are other songs that are very traditional, almost folk. In some ways, that's the thing we haven't figured out yet, is where this album is going to end up. We're having fun with the process.
© Entertainment Weekly, 2010.
Jag avslutar denna U2-Inspirerade blogg-post med att länka till ett klipp med en ny U2 låt!!
Stödgalan "Hope for Haiti" gick av stapeln för ett par dagar sedan. Där framförde Bono, The Edge, Jay-Z och Rhianna en ny låt som Bono och Edge skrivit, den har släppts via i-tunes och alla intäkter från försäljningen av låten går självfallet till hjälpsändningar till Haiti. Låten heter "Stranded" och har en sån där klassisk U2 "poppig" refräng som vi som lyssnat endel på U2 genom åren lätt känner igen.
Låten är riktigt bra!
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